Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Does Osama play World of Warcraft?

In an unclassified report released by the U.S. Government detailing data mining activities of U.S. intelligence services, an interesting program appeared. This program, called Reynard, is designed to investigate and try to weed out "suspicious behavior" in online gaming worlds.

Personally, I am all in favor of this. I, for one, am sick of the constant spamming of the chat channels of people looking for groups to commit terrorism. Hell, just the other day some night elf rogue was spamming Shattrath for 30 minutes with "LF2M for heroic Mana Tombs followed by a suicide bombing of Orgrimmar" To top it off, we also have the problem of the gnomish intifada in Ironforge. Honestly, why cant those hyperactive little midgets just clean out the lepers from their own hometown and move back?

This new program is going to have it's greatest effect on PvP (player vs. player) worlds, however, where I expect a sudden outbreak of civility and an end to noob ganking. Because of this, most people will take a moment of pause to decide if ganking that lowbe in Stranglethorn Vale is really worth it. After all, he could be CIA and your ass could wind up in Gitmo.

In all seriousness, I can't figure out whether this is the brain child of some would be big brother bent on watching every move every one of us makes, or a cleaver scheme by government employees to play computer games on the taxpayer's dime...

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Is this what Fundamentalists mean when they preach about protecting family values?

One of the states where the fascists... er.. fundamentalist Christians have managed to do the most evil is Florida. The article below demonstrates why anything less than full marriage rights for gays and lesbians is unacceptable, harmful and discriminatory.

Dying Lesbian's Partner Denied Access To Her

(Miami, Florida) Janice Langbehn and Lisa Pond had planned to take their three children on a family cruise. The Olympia, Washington couple had been together 18 years and with their children were looking forward to the holiday.

But just as they were about to depart on the cruise from Miami, Florida. Pond, a healthy 39-year-old, suddenly collapsed. She was rushed to Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami with Langbehn and the children following close behind.

But once Langbehn and the children arrived at the hospital the hospital refused to accept information from her about Ponds’s medical history.

Langbehn says she was informed that she was in an antigay city and state, and she could expect to receive no information or acknowledgment as family.

A doctor finally spoke with Janice telling her that there was no chance of recovery.

Other than one five minute visit, which was orchestrated by a Catholic priest at Langbehn’s request to perform last rites, and despite the doctor’s acknowledgement that no medical reason existed to prevent visitation, neither she nor her children were allowed to see Pond until nearly eight hours after their arrival.

Soon after Pond'’s death, Langbehn tried to get her death certificate in order to get life insurance and Social Security benefits for their children. She was denied both by the State of Florida and the Dade County Medical Examiner.

With the help of Lambda Legal Langbehn has notified Jackson Memorial Hospital that she intends to file a lawsuit.

"There is nothing that can make up for what my children and I endured that day,” Langbehn says of the day Pond died. “We only want the hospital to take responsibility for how they treated us and ensure that it doesn’t happen to another family.”

In accordance with Florida law, Lambda Legal is waiting for the hospital to respond to the notice of intent to sue before formally filing a complaint with the court.

"The treatment that Janice and her children received was unethical and discriminatory," said Beth Littrell, Staff Attorney for Lambda Legal.

"This letter puts them on notice that we are advocating for justice for Janice and her children."